Deal Story: A Stroke of Luck

Perfect timing, making the right connections, and a bit of serendipity. These were the good-luck factors for a recent business sale by Brett Andrews, former owner of Andrews Funeral Service.

When Jim Underwood, one of our agents, reached out to Brett to ask about preparing his business for sale, Brett was ready to go. He had already begun looking into selling his business in order to relocate to Duluth to continue a nursing career. The two quickly decided to work together to sell the business, especially since Jim already had an ideal buyer in mind.

By a stroke of luck, Jim had played in a golf tournament with the owner of a large funeral services business just a few months earlier. During the tournament, Jim asked if he would be interested in purchasing more funeral businesses should the opportunity arise and the buyer had confirmed he would be.

“You never know when you meet someone, even if it is not work related, how it can end up becoming a business deal,” says Jim Underwood. “I always look to make genuine connections.”

The entire process ran smoothly thanks to the seller having their financials in order and prioritizing a quick sale. Within two months, the deal was done, requiring just a few meetings and a quick counter offer.

“It’s always nice when a deal seems to come together perfectly,” adds Jim. “The timing was right all around and everyone was happy with the outcome.”


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  3. Who should I sell my business to?
  4. Should I sell my business to a family member?

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