The Ins and Outs of Buying or Selling a Business

Sometimes an entrepreneur needs to cash out – or cash in. Businesses can evolve and take on a life of their own, and if the value of the business suggests it can survive with almost anyone at the wheel, it might be time to sell the whole package and start something new. The toughest part of the business buying or selling process is having an understanding about the process as a whole. That's where we come in.

Making a Profitable Business Sale or Purchase

Our president, Andy Kocemba, has come a long way from wearing suits to preschool to emulate his father. Andy knows the ins and outs of buying or selling a business, and knows how to maintain the top valuation of the company during transition. His focus is on protecting time and confidentiality to make the business sale profitable, and the purchase a wise investment. If all parties involved work together, Andy believes everyone is more efficient by doing what they do best.

He recently sat down with Legal Bits to share his insights. Give it a listen!